A basic carousel component for looping through slides of images or text.
Basic Usage
content 1
content 2
content 3
The carousel requires two tags:
The <banshee-carousel>
tag marks an area as a Banshee carousel and provides the functionality for any child <banshee-carousel-slide>
components to properly function. The <banshee-carousel-slide>
must be a direct child of the <banshee-carousel>
to be part of the "sliding" content.
As with everything Banshee, no CSS is being applied and no default transitions. You will have to provide your own.
With a custom transition:
<banshee-carousel transition-name="fade"
<banshee-carousel-slide v-for="slide in slides" :key="">
<img :src="slide.src">
// ...
slides: [
{ id: 1, src: '' },
{ id: 2, src: '' },
{ id: 3, src: '' },
{ id: 4, src: '' },
{ id: 5, src: '' }
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity .5s;
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
autoplay | false | Boolean | false | automatically loop through each slide |
id | false | String | null | HTML id attribute to set on the carousel |
pause-on-over | false | Boolean | false | whether to pause the carousel on mouse hover |
speed | false | [String, Number] | 5000 | time in ms for duration of each slide to display |
start-slide | false | [String, Number] | 0 | which slide to start on |
tag | false | String | ul | HTML tag for carousel |
transition-appear | false | Boolean | false | appear property on Vue transition tag |
transition-name | false | String | n/a | name for your Vue transition |
transition-mode | false | String | n/a | mode for your Vue transition |
Event | Parameters | Description |
onChange | the current index of the carousel | triggers when the carousel plays, pauses, or changes slides |
Scoped Slots
Property | Description |
activeIndex | the current active slide index |
btnAttrs.buttons | aria labels for group of buttons that control slideshow | | aria labels for 'next' button |
btnAttrs.pause | aria labels for 'pause' button | | aria labels for 'play' button |
btnAttrs.previous | aria labels for 'previous' button |
length | total number of slides in carousel |
next | method to make the next slide active |
pause | method to pause the carousel if autoplaying |
play | method to play the carousel if paused |
previous | method to make the previous slide active |
Carousel Slide
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
tag | false | String | li | HTML tag for carousel slide |
More Examples
Carousel with Buttons
<banshee-carousel autoplay transition-name="fade" transition-mode="out-in">
<template slot-scope="{ next, pause, play, previous, btnAttrs }">
<button @click="previous" v-bind="btnAttrs.previous">Previous</button>
<button @click="play" v-bind="">Play</button>
<button @click="pause" v-bind="btnAttrs.pause">Pause</button>
<button @click="next" v-bind="">Next</button>
Bootstrap 4
<banshee-carousel autoplay transition-name="fade" transition-mode="out-in" tag="div" class="carousel slide">
<banshee-carousel-slide v-for="slide in slides" :key="" tag="div" class="carousel-inner">
<div class="carousel-item active">
<img class="d-block w-100" :src="slide.src">
<template slot-scope="{ next, pause, play, previous, btnAttrs }">
<a class="carousel-control-prev" role="button"
@click="previous" v-bind="btnAttrs.previous">
<span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
<a class="carousel-control-next" role="button"
@click="next" v-bind="">
<span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Next</span>