
Banshee tabs are grouped sections of content that display one panel of content at a time.

Basic Usage

Edit Banshee - Tabs Basic

    <banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
    <banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
    <banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>

The tabs are composed of the following components:

  • <banshee-tabs> - the wrapper component, designates the content will be tabs
  • <banshee-tab-list> - a set of tab elements, these are the elements that are clicked to activate their associated pane
  • <banshee-tab> - the tab element itself
  • <banshee-tab-panes> - a set of tab panes or panels, these hold the content that will be displayed
  • <banshee-tab-pane> - a single content pane that is associated with a tab

Tabs are associated with their panes via index, so order defined matters. For example, the tab <banshee-tab>Ghosts</banshee-tab> is associated with <banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane> because they are the same index within their respective parent component.


Wrapper component that controls and initalizes the tab's state.

Attributes & Props

activefalseNumberundefinedcontrolled component prop, the active index of the tab
default-activefalseNumber0the default active tab index
tagfalseString'div'HTML tag for wrapping element of tabs and tab panes


onTabChange(currentIndex, previousIndex)triggers when active tab is changed

Scoped Slots

activecurrent active index
updateActiveIndexmethod to update the active index, takes an index as a parameter

Tab List

Component that controls each individual tab.

Attributes & Props

tagfalseString'div'HTML tag for wrapping element of tabs

Tab Panes

Component that controls each individual tab content pane.

Attributes & Props

tagfalseString'div'HTML tag for wrapping element of tab panes


Each clickable tab. Activates associated tab pane. Must be a direct child of <banshee-tab-list>.

Attributes & Props

no-ariafalseBooleanfalseremoves automatically applied aria attributes on the tab element, useful for when you'd rather apply it to children of the tab element
tagfalseString'button'HTML tag for the tab

Scoped Slots

ariaobject containing aria attributes (v-bind="aria"), only available if no-aria prop is present
indexthe tab's index
updateActiveIndexmethod to update the active index, takes an index as a parameter

Tab Pane

Content for the associated tab.

Attributes & Props

tagfalseString'div'HTML tag for the tab content area

More Examples

Bootstrap 4

Edit Banshee - Tabs Bootstrap 4

  <template slot-scope="{ active }">
    <banshee-tab-list class="nav nav-tabs" tag="ul">
      <banshee-tab tag="li" class="nav-item">
        <template slot-scope="{ index }">
          <a class="nav-link" :class="{ active: active === index }">Ghosts</a>
      <banshee-tab tag="li" class="nav-item">
        <template slot-scope="{ index }">
          <a class="nav-link" :class="{ active: active === index }">Goblins</a> 
      <banshee-tab tag="li" class="nav-item">
        <template slot-scope="{ index }">
          <a class="nav-link" :class="{ active: active === index }">Ghouls</a>
      <transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
        <banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
      <transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
        <banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
      <transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
        <banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>


Edit Banshee - Tabs Bootstrap 4

  <template slot-scope="{ active }">
    <banshee-tab-list class="tabs" tag="ul">
      <banshee-tab tag="li" no-aria 
                    class="tabs-title is-active" 
                    :class="{ 'is-active': active === 0 }">
        <template slot-scope="{ aria, index }">
          <a v-bind="aria">Ghosts</a>
      <banshee-tab tag="li" no-aria 
                    class="tabs-title" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 1 }">
        <template slot-scope="{ aria, index }">
          <a v-bind="aria">Goblins</a> 
      <banshee-tab tag="li" no-aria 
                    class="tabs-title" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 2 }">
        <template slot-scope="{ aria, index }">
          <a v-bind="aria">Ghouls</a>
    <banshee-tab-panes class="tabs-content">
      <banshee-tab-pane class="tabs-panel" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 0 }">
        Ghosts can be scary.
      <banshee-tab-pane class="tabs-panel" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 1 }">
        Goblins are sneaky.
      <banshee-tab-pane class="tabs-panel" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 2 }">
        Ghouls are dangerous!


Edit Banshee - Tabs Bulma

  <template slot-scope="{ active }">
    <div class="tabs">
      <banshee-tab-list tag="ul">
        <banshee-tab tag="li" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 0 }">
        <banshee-tab tag="li" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 1 }">
        <banshee-tab tag="li" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 2 }">
        <banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
        <banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
        <banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>

Semantic UI

Edit Banshee - Tabs Semantic UI

  <template slot-scope="{ active }">
    <banshee-tab-list class="ui top attached tabular menu">
      <banshee-tab tag="a"
                    :class="{ 'active': active === 0 }">
      <banshee-tab tag="a"
                    class="item" :class="{ 'active': active === 1 }">
      <banshee-tab tag="a"
                    class="item" :class="{ 'active': active === 2 }">
    <banshee-tab-panes class="ui bottom attached tab segment active">
        <banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
        <banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
        <banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>
Last Updated: 6/13/2018, 10:57:53 PM