Banshee tabs are grouped sections of content that display one panel of content at a time.
Basic Usage
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
<banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>
The tabs are composed of the following components:
- the wrapper component, designates the content will be tabs<banshee-tab-list>
- a set of tab elements, these are the elements that are clicked to activate their associated pane<banshee-tab>
- the tab element itself<banshee-tab-panes>
- a set of tab panes or panels, these hold the content that will be displayed<banshee-tab-pane>
- a single content pane that is associated with a tab
Tabs are associated with their panes via index, so order defined matters. For example, the tab <banshee-tab>Ghosts</banshee-tab>
is associated with <banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
because they are the same index within their respective parent component.
Wrapper component that controls and initalizes the tab's state.
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
active | false | Number | undefined | controlled component prop, the active index of the tab |
default-active | false | Number | 0 | the default active tab index |
tag | false | String | 'div' | HTML tag for wrapping element of tabs and tab panes |
Event | Parameters | Description |
onTabChange | (currentIndex, previousIndex) | triggers when active tab is changed |
Scoped Slots
Property | Description |
active | current active index |
updateActiveIndex | method to update the active index, takes an index as a parameter |
Tab List
Component that controls each individual tab.
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
tag | false | String | 'div' | HTML tag for wrapping element of tabs |
Tab Panes
Component that controls each individual tab content pane.
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
tag | false | String | 'div' | HTML tag for wrapping element of tab panes |
Each clickable tab. Activates associated tab pane. Must be a direct child of <banshee-tab-list>
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
no-aria | false | Boolean | false | removes automatically applied aria attributes on the tab element, useful for when you'd rather apply it to children of the tab element |
tag | false | String | 'button' | HTML tag for the tab |
Scoped Slots
Property | Description |
aria | object containing aria attributes (v-bind="aria" ), only available if no-aria prop is present |
index | the tab's index |
updateActiveIndex | method to update the active index, takes an index as a parameter |
Tab Pane
Content for the associated tab.
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
tag | false | String | 'div' | HTML tag for the tab content area |
More Examples
Bootstrap 4
<template slot-scope="{ active }">
<banshee-tab-list class="nav nav-tabs" tag="ul">
<banshee-tab tag="li" class="nav-item">
<template slot-scope="{ index }">
<a class="nav-link" :class="{ active: active === index }">Ghosts</a>
<banshee-tab tag="li" class="nav-item">
<template slot-scope="{ index }">
<a class="nav-link" :class="{ active: active === index }">Goblins</a>
<banshee-tab tag="li" class="nav-item">
<template slot-scope="{ index }">
<a class="nav-link" :class="{ active: active === index }">Ghouls</a>
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>
<template slot-scope="{ active }">
<banshee-tab-list class="tabs" tag="ul">
<banshee-tab tag="li" no-aria
class="tabs-title is-active"
:class="{ 'is-active': active === 0 }">
<template slot-scope="{ aria, index }">
<a v-bind="aria">Ghosts</a>
<banshee-tab tag="li" no-aria
class="tabs-title" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 1 }">
<template slot-scope="{ aria, index }">
<a v-bind="aria">Goblins</a>
<banshee-tab tag="li" no-aria
class="tabs-title" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 2 }">
<template slot-scope="{ aria, index }">
<a v-bind="aria">Ghouls</a>
<banshee-tab-panes class="tabs-content">
<banshee-tab-pane class="tabs-panel" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 0 }">
Ghosts can be scary.
<banshee-tab-pane class="tabs-panel" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 1 }">
Goblins are sneaky.
<banshee-tab-pane class="tabs-panel" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 2 }">
Ghouls are dangerous!
<template slot-scope="{ active }">
<div class="tabs">
<banshee-tab-list tag="ul">
<banshee-tab tag="li" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 0 }">
<banshee-tab tag="li" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 1 }">
<banshee-tab tag="li" :class="{ 'is-active': active === 2 }">
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
<banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>
Semantic UI
<template slot-scope="{ active }">
<banshee-tab-list class="ui top attached tabular menu">
<banshee-tab tag="a"
:class="{ 'active': active === 0 }">
<banshee-tab tag="a"
class="item" :class="{ 'active': active === 1 }">
<banshee-tab tag="a"
class="item" :class="{ 'active': active === 2 }">
<banshee-tab-panes class="ui bottom attached tab segment active">
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghosts can be scary.</banshee-tab-pane>
<banshee-tab-pane>Goblins are sneaky.</banshee-tab-pane>
<banshee-tab-pane>Ghouls are dangerous!</banshee-tab-pane>