The listbox displays a list of items/options that are selectable to the user.
Basic Usage

The listbox is composed of two tags:
- parent tag, designates area to be a listbox and initializes internal state + keyboard interactions<banshee-listbox-item>
- direct child of <banshee-listbox>
, exposes scoped slot for content rendering helpers
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
default-focus | false | [String, Number] | 0 | Default index of item to focus on mounted |
default-selected | false | [String, Number, Array] | null | Default index(es) of item(s) to be selected on mounted |
items | true | Array | null | Items to be presented within listbox |
item-key | false | String | 'id' | If each element in items is an object, what to key each listbox-item by |
tag | false | String | div | HTML tag for listbox |
Event | Parameters | Description |
onFocus | (index, item) | triggers when you focus an item within the listbox, provides the index of that item and the item itself |
onSelectItem | (item, selected) | triggers when you select an item from the listbox, provides the current item and all the selected items |
onRemoveItem | (removed, selected) | triggers when you remove an item from the selected items, provides the removed item and all the selected items |
onTransfer | (selected) | triggers when you transfer items between listboxes, provides the selected items |
Scoped Slots
Property | Description |
items | the items in the listbox |
focus | method for focusing an item, expects an index |
focused | the currently focused index |
selectItem | method for selecting an item |
selectedItems | the array of currently selected items |
total | the length of the items array |
totalSelected | the length of the selected array |
transfer | method to setup new focus and reset internal state on item transfers |
Listbox Item
Attributes & Props
Name | Required | Type | Default | Description |
tag | false | String | div | HTML tag for listbox-item |
Scoped Slots
Property | Description |
active | boolean whether the current item is actively being focused or not |
item | each individual element in the items array |
index | the item's index |
selected | boolean whether the current item is selected |
Example: List Transfer

Last Updated: 6/14/2018, 8:48:52 AM